InMarketing Strategies, Sales Funnels

Passive Income through Sales Funnels

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Are you looking to create high-converting landing pages or sales funnels to generate passive income for your online business? With so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right platform that suits your needs.

In this article, we will compare and contrast five popular landing page and funnel builders: ClickFunnels, Systeme.io, SamCart, Builderall, and Leadpages.

We’ll explore their features, pricing, ease of use, and more to help you make an informed decision on how these tools can assist you in generating passive income.

Here are my top picks for the best Sales Funnel Builder:

What are the Top 5 Sales Funnel Builder?

1. Systeme.io

Systeme.io is a robust and comprehensive all-in-one online business platform that empowers entrepreneurs and businesses with a diverse array of tools and functionalities. With its user-friendly interface and an extensive suite of features, systeme.io provides a seamless experience for building, marketing, and selling products or services in the digital realm.

Whether you need a website or funnel builder, email marketing automation, payment processing capabilities, membership site management, or various other essential elements for your online business, systeme.io offers it all in a single, integrated package

Systeme.io Key Features:

  • All in One Marketing Solution

    Systeme.io is an all-in-one marketing platform that offers features such as landing page creation, email marketing, and automation.

  • User Friendly

    With a user-friendly interface and a drag-and-drop builder, Systeme.io simplifies the process of building funnels.

  • Host your Very Own Affiliate Program

    The built-in affiliate program enables you to leverage affiliates for increased passive income.

  • Integrations

    Systeme.io integrates with popular tools and services, enabling seamless workflow integration and expanding your passive income potential.



Systeme.io offers a flexible and transparent pricing structure to accommodate businesses of all sizes. It offers three main pricing plans: Startup, Webinar, and Enterprise. The Startup plan provides essential features at an affordable monthly cost, making it ideal for small businesses and solopreneurs. The Webinar plan caters to those who require advanced webinar capabilities, including live webinars and automated replays.

The Enterprise plan is designed for larger businesses with higher demands, offering additional features, dedicated support, and customization options. In addition to the pre-defined plans, systeme.io also provides the option to customize a plan based on specific business needs.

This pricing flexibility ensures that businesses can choose a plan that aligns with their requirements and budget, making systeme.io a scalable and cost-effective solution for online business growth.

2. Clickfunnels

ClickFunnels is a powerful and popular online marketing platform that enables businesses to build effective sales funnels and optimize their online marketing efforts. It offers a wide range of features and tools to help businesses capture leads, convert them into customers, and maximize revenue.

With ClickFunnels, users can create landing pages, sales pages, order forms, and upsell/downsell pages with ease, all within a drag-and-drop interface. It also provides advanced features like A/B testing, email marketing automation, affiliate management, and integration with various third-party applications.

ClickFunnels simplifies the process of building and managing sales funnels, making it a valuable tool for businesses looking to streamline their online marketing strategies and drive conversions.



Clickfunnels Key Features

  • Easy-to-use Funnel Builder

    ClickFunnels offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, allowing businesses to effortlessly create custom sales funnels, landing pages, and order forms without any coding knowledge.

  • Seamless Email Marketing Automation

    ClickFunnels integrates with popular email marketing platforms, enabling businesses to automate their email campaigns and nurture leads throughout the sales process.

  • Affiliate Management System

    ClickFunnels provides tools for managing affiliate programs, empowering businesses to recruit and manage affiliates who can promote their products or services, further expanding their reach and sales potential

  • Analytics and Tracking

    The platform offers comprehensive analytics and tracking tools, providing valuable insights into funnel performance, visitor behavior, and overall marketing effectiveness, helping businesses make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.


3. SamCart

SamCart also known for its One Page Checkout funnel, is a powerful e-commerce platform designed to simplify the process of selling products or services online. With its user-friendly interface. and a range of essential features, SamCart empowers businesses to create high-converting checkout pages, order bumps, and one-click upsells.

This platform provides various payment options, including support for multiple currencies and secure payment gateways. SamCart’s robust analytics and reporting tools offer valuable insights into sales performance, customer behavior, and revenue tracking. Furthermore, it integrates seamlessly with popular email marketing and CRM platforms, facilitating effective customer management and order fulfillment.

With SamCart, businesses can optimize their online sales process and enhance the overall shopping experience for customers, making it a valuable tool for achieving e-commerce success.

Samcart Key Features

  • High-Converting Checkout Pages

    SamCart provides professionally designed and customizable checkout pages optimized for maximum conversions and a seamless buying experience.

  • Subscription Management

    SamCart offers robust subscription management tools, allowing businesses to sell and manage recurring subscription products or services effortlessly.

  • A/B Testing

    The platform enables businesses to run A/B tests on their checkout pages and order forms, helping them identify the most effective elements and optimize conversions.

  • Advanced Reporting and Analytics

    SamCart’s comprehensive reporting and analytics provide valuable insights into sales performance, customer behavior, and revenue tracking, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions.


SamCart offers three main plans: the Launch plan, the Grow plan, and the Scale plan.

The Launch plan is perfect for startups and small businesses, providing essential features to kickstart their online sales. The Grow plan caters to businesses looking to expand their operations, offering additional functionalities like subscription and payment plan options.

The Scale plan is tailored for established businesses with high sales volume, offering advanced features like one-click upsells and A/B testing. With these three comprehensive plans,

SamCart accommodates businesses of varying sizes and needs, allowing them to choose the plan that aligns best with their goals and growth 4. trajectory.

4. Leadpages

Leadpages is a powerful and intuitive online tool that empowers businesses to create stunning and high-converting landing pages, websites, and pop-ups with ease. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a beginner, Leadpages provides a user-friendly interface and a wide array of customizable templates to capture leads, promote products, and grow your audience.

With its drag-and-drop functionality and robust integration options, Leadpages streamlines the process of building effective marketing assets, allowing businesses to focus on generating leads and driving conversions.

Whether it’s for sales, webinars, opt-ins, or any other marketing campaign, Leadpages is the go-to solution for crafting visually appealing and engaging pages that fuel your business growth.

Leadpages Key Features:

  • Mobile-Responsive Design

    All landing pages created with Leadpages are automatically optimized for mobile devices, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience for visitors accessing the pages from smartphones and tablets.

  • Lead Magnets and Content Upgrades

    Leadpages supports the creation of lead magnets and content upgrades, making it easy for businesses to offer valuable incentives like ebooks, guides, or exclusive content to entice visitors to subscribe or take desired actions.

  • A/B Testing

    Leadpages allows businesses to perform A/B tests on their landing pages, enabling them to compare different variations and determine the most effective design and content to optimize conversions.

  • Seamless Integrations

    Leadpages integrates with popular email marketing, CRM, and webinar platforms, ensuring smooth data synchronization and automation to streamline business processes and enhance marketing campaigns.


Leadpages offers a flexible and transparent pricing structure with three main plans: Standard, Pro, and Advanced. The Standard plan is designed for individuals and small businesses looking to create and deploy essential lead-generation assets. It offers access to the landing page builder, pop-ups, alert bars, and various integrations.

The Pro plan is ideal for growing businesses and marketers who require advanced features. In addition to all the Standard plan features, it provides A/B testing, email trigger links, online sales and payments, and more.

The Advanced plan caters to businesses with higher demands and offers priority phone support, advanced integrations, and additional features to enhance their marketing efforts further.

Leadpages also provides an option for an annual subscription, which offers cost savings compared to the monthly pricing.

With this straightforward pricing model, Leadpages allows businesses to choose a plan that aligns with their specific needs and budget, making it a versatile and scalable solution for generating leads and driving conversions.

My Top Choice:

Let me tell you, my number one top pick is Systeme.io, and right after that comes Clickfunnels.

If you know me, you’d know I’ve been crazy about clickfunnels for a solid five years! Even during times when I wasn’t actively using it, I still kept paying for it. But then, they upgraded the builder to something called Classic 2.0, and that’s when things went a bit sour for me.

The worst part was that the price also went up with the upgrade. I’m still a big fan, but I must admit I felt a little disappointed. You see, Classic 2.0 was pretty new, and according to me, it had quite a few glitches. And to make matters worse, my rates went up almost 100% since I was on the $97/month plan, and now it’s a whopping $197/month!

Now, let’s talk about Systeme.io. It’s another funnel builder, kind of like clickfunnels. But what makes Systeme.io special is that it offers a bunch of cool features even in its basic plan, which costs only $27. That’s right, with just $27, you get 10 Funnels, Email Marketing, and the chance to host 7 courses on their platform. The webinar plan costs a bit more at $49/month, but hey, it’s still a great deal for what I need in a funnel builder.

So all in all, after years of unwavering loyalty to Clickfunnels, I’ve discovered a new love in Systeme.io. While Clickfunnels will always hold a special place in my heart, the enticing features and cost-effectiveness of Systeme.io have won me over. It’s like finding a hidden gem in the vast landscape of funnel builders. So, if you’re looking to create your online empire with a touch of magic, I highly recommend giving both Systeme.io and Clickfunnels a try.


In conclusion, whether you are an entrepreneur, small business owner, or marketer, having access to the right online business platforms can significantly impact your success. Systeme.io, ClickFunnels, SamCart, and Leadpages each offer unique features and functionalities to cater to various needs and preferences. Systeme.io stands out as a comprehensive all-in-one platform, perfect for businesses seeking a wide range of tools to build, market, and sell products or services online.

ClickFunnels excels in creating effective sales funnels, optimizing online marketing efforts, and simplifying the sales process. SamCart shines with its e-commerce capabilities, streamlining the checkout experience, and offering valuable analytics for growing businesses. Leadpages provides an easy-to-use solution for building high-converting landing pages, capturing leads, and nurturing customer relationships.

Each platform has its strengths, and choosing the right one depends on your specific requirements and goals. Ultimately, these online business platforms offer valuable resources to help businesses thrive in the digital landscape, driving growth, and achieving marketing success.

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